Naya Raipur, New Capital City, Chhattisgarh
Client: NRDA

KCA under the leadership of Dr. Sudeshna Chatterjee was the urban design lead for the Urban Design and Landscape Vision of the new capital city of Chhattisgarh, Naya Raipur, which is visualized as a medium density, medium-rise city on an 80 sq km Greenfield site for a population of 500,000.

To reinforce the role of Naya Raipur as a new 21st century capital city, planning and design of Naya Raipur promotes sustainable urbanism by combining the creation and enhancement of transit-served, walkable and diverse places integrated with high-performance, energy-efficient infrastructure and buildings.

“The Naya Raipur Urban Design Vision is remarkable for its attention to detail. Chatterjee’s street designs, the inside roads, pedestrian walkways, connectivity to public areas and the dedication to build a green city from scratch is an example of good urban design.”

– Joy Oomen, Chairman, Naya Raipur Development Authority

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